Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just Me and My Microbes

Don’t really listen to NPR that much any more (can only handle small doses of all that careful diction and sickeningly high-minded reporting). But I still love Science Friday. Tuned in for a bit last week whilst cleaning the kitchen floor. They had a researcher talking about a new study cataloging the bacteria on healthy human skin. There are apparently a lot more different kinds than anybody realized. Not harmful—they’re just hanging out and are probably beneficial.

I’m all about preserving the harmony of my microbial flora. I regularly take a probiotic supplement to keep the intestinal bacteria going strong. Hadn’t really given a lot of thought to skin microbes, although I’ve never been one for antibacterial soap or deodorant. I’m happy to say, I’m just not that stinky. I’ve long been convinced of the important role pheromones play in human interactions. Don’t want to wipe those guys out if they can help keep the peace between me and the ever lovin’. And I’m happy to have a few bacteria along for the long as they stay in line.

I am, however, a big hand-washer, especially since I had kids. I’ve also gotten fully on board on the hand sanitizer thing. I can’t believe I spent five years in NYC riding around every day in an underground Petri dish and never, not once, bought a bottle of Purell. And I was never sick. Maybe the germs agreed with me. Maybe what’s been bringing me down around here is a lack of germs. Or maybe it’s just these darn country bumpkin microbes. They just don’t know how to coexist with a sophisticated woman like me.

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