Sunday, June 7, 2009

Excuses, Excuses

So, I’ve been brought down by the man. Or more acurately, a slightly loopy but very sweet 55 year old woman. You see, I’ve neglected, in this space, to mention my part-time job, which has kept me from meeting my self-imposed challenge to get a post up every day for a month. I started talking to this wacky baby boomer at a yoga class a few months ago and discovered that she’s the events manager for one of the myriad historic mansions in our uncommonly lovely corner of the Commonwealth. She mentioned that she was looking for a site manager to help with weddings, so I’ve been putting in a few Saturdays here and there. Not too gruesome...I’ve certainly had worse jobs. Gets me out of the house and brings in a little extra cash. But after 10 hours of dealing with annoying drunks and intractable folding chairs, I was too pooped to post. And now, DiCaprio and Crowe await. You’ll be hearing from me on the other side.

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