Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Deep Freeze Memories

Well, things are finally moving forward once again here on planet Hoth. For a while there, I was pretty sure we were stuck in a time warp. Thank goodness for FB or I swear I would have lost track entirely. Fortunately they have those little event reminders so I didn’t miss the ever lovin’s mini-milestone birthday last week. I whipped up an unbelievable chocolate glazed hazelnut mousse cake in honor of the occasion. That thing had been staring at me from the cover of an old copy of Gourmet magazine for years, and I decided the time had come to make it a reality. It turned out heavenly but I won’t be posting pix because it did not look nearly as good as it tasted (I still have, it would seem, a few things to learn about ganache…).

We finally got out on Sunday thanks, once again, to our neighbor Steve. The day before, I had to trudge through 4 ft of snow to the end of the driveway where I had my mother pick me up and take me into civilization for some provisions. Had to haul the groceries back to the house on a plastic toboggan. Meanwhile, all the playground mommies on facebook (including me) were in a tizzy bc the Supertarget in Loserburg was closed for several days because of snow on the roof.

Anyway, we are out for now, Henry’s finally back in school and things are getting back to semi-normal (which is really as close as we get around here). In a few weeks the whole thing will seem like a crazy dream. Spring will be here and we’ll be hitting playgrounds and point to points. We’ll get some lettuce in the ground. There will be nothing left of this crazy winter except some good stories and sweet memories of Hank in polar explorer mode and Coco, looking like a sausage in her snowsuit, having fallen in the snow and gotten stuck on her back like a beetle. I admit I let her hang out like that for a few extra seconds because it was so damn cute.

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