Thursday, March 5, 2009

Boobs and Bibliophiles

On the subject of prima donnas, I’ve got to spend a few minutes on my own little principina. I’m completely biased of course, but this kid is unbelievably cute. She’s taking her first steps with this hi-larious wide-legged cowboy stance—with pauses to give herself a round of applause. She’s also turning into a raging book fiend. As a formerly avid reader, I was indescribably delighted that “book” was one of her first words a few months ago. Now she’s taking it to the next level and likes to sit on my chest while I’m trying to do a few crunches until I finally cry uncle and submit to reading Big Red Barn…again. She also insists on having reading material while nursing (thinks she’s at Starbucks or something).

I’ve been pondering the breastfeeding thing lately. Coco’s totally fine drinking from a cup, and we’re down to 2 or 3 times a day on the boob. Trying to determine the best window to give it up altogether. I’m certainly pro-lactation and am all about the bonding thing, but I don’t want to let it get out of hand. And from what I’ve observed, the longer one goes, the harder it is to stop.

I have a couple of diehard friends who nursed their kids until age 3 (God bless ‘em). I don’t see myself going down that road. Henry was pretty much over it by 10 months. At the time, I felt guilty for giving up so easily, but he's a kinetic kid and just didn’t want to have to hold still for 10 whole minutes. So, I suppose the magic number is somewhere between 10 months and 3 years. We’re about to hit 15 months as it is. So do I shoot for 18 months? 2 years? She’s still into it, and it’s a comforting part of our bedtime ritual etc. But I don’t know that if I shut off the tap she’d mind all that much. Coco’s almost certainly going to be my last offspring, and I have to wonder how much of this is about her and how much of it’s about my not wanting to let go of that aspect of her babyhood. I’m sure Rachida Dati doesn’t worry about stuff like this. The secret of her success, undoubtedly.

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