Monday, February 16, 2009

Powers of Deduction

Found out a few weeks ago that poor Hank has a hernia. Feeling a little guilty about all the heavy lifting we make him do around the farm…Actually, it’s a genetic weakness (that would be on Christian’s side, of course). It doesn’t seem to bother him much—just kind of pops out whenever he gets worked up about something. However, can apparently cause problems if untreated so we’ve scheduled him for surgery later this week. Henry has read Curious George Goes to the Hospital and seems to be taking the whole thing in stride. But mama’s biting her nails, mostly because of the general anesthesia thing. I’ve never been under the knife myself, thank heaven, and have done a pretty good job of staying out of hospitals. Even had both kids without medication, but that’s another story.

Of course, this had to come up not long after we made the switch to a high deductible HSA-type insurance policy. This is the kind of crummy plan that Newt Gingrich and his ilk are always touting (for everyone but themselves) which covers preventive care and anything over $5000. The idea is that you’re supposed to put an amount equivalent to your deductible into a dedicated savings account. Of course, we never got around to that part so we’ll have to come up with some cash. (It’s hard to get the hospital to give us a figure, but I’m guessing it’s going to run us a couple thousand all together). Fortunately, it’s an outpatient procedure, which will keep things a little less exorbitant. And the hospital seems fairly open to letting us pay in installments, so won’t be pawning the engagement ring just yet. It’s no fun being under-insured, but we just couldn’t keep shelling out $1000+ a month for a traditional plan. Self-employment can be a drag. Oh well, at least we have something and are not yet reduced to seeking care at emergency rooms and public health clinics with all the illegal immigrants. I am, btw, on the lookout for a government job with fat bennies, humane hours and a short commute. Not overly optimistic with local agencies cutting thousands of jobs and a 3-year hole in my (not really all that stellar to begin with) resume. Hmmm…I’m going to get it together one of these days, I swear.


Massie Straton said...

Curtis had the hernia surgery when he was 3. He was in and out of surgery in about 40 minutes. It was a quick recovery.

English Teacher X said...

You could always shovel driveways and take aluminum cans to the recycling center, I suppose.

Petits Choux said...

I think global warming has eliminated he first option south of the mason dixon. We already have the aluminum can thing going though...

Kimberly said...

Let's hope your man Obama can help us all with this health insurance thing. It is definitely a problem that needs addressing but requires some serious (and possibly painful) changes in attitudes towards the health industry as a whole. I'm hoping for the best!