Finally a little sunshine on this balmy mid-February day--a taste of spring and a little light in my weary soul. Ended the day with an empyreal late afternoon hike during which Henry jumped as high as he could with arms outstretched (trying to catch the moon). In other news from the funny farm:
Little Co is working on her walking and talking. She’s also started quacking. In addition, she is preparing to take on Joey Chestnutt and the Tsunami at Nathan’s annual hot dog eating contest (will they keep doing that now that Coney Island is being turned into a mall?). She wolfed down two turkey dogs in short order last night, immediately following a rather impressive pretzel binge. Henry, meanwhile, has become a You Tube aficionado. It started innocently enough with Christian showing him a few music videos (old blues guys mostly) and such. Then, during our weeks of misery, I discovered that some naughty copyright infringers had put up the UK Thomas the Tank Engine Series and shamelessly cranked that up to avoid pulling my hair out. His latest fixation is watching people’s random trainspotting videos—no music, no narration—just minute after minute of trains. Anyway, it was all under control until the boy wonder learned how to double click, which gets him to some interesting places when I’m not looking.
A month into 2009, I finally got a new desk planner. I have to say, I’ve been feeling lost without one, despite the fact that my life has been rather excruciatingly uneventful lately. Last year’s is mostly full of lists of mundane tasks (God forbid the bath mats should not get washed…) and things I need to look up on the internet, although I did write down some of Coco’s early words and some of the sweet and entertaining things that come out of Hank’s mouth.
The bread baking is still going and inspired me to reproduce a heavenly miso-tahini spread from Angelica Kitchen, my favorite vegan restaurant in New York. I’m not a vegan by any stretch, but always found this place to be phenomenal. Found the (very simple) recipe on an interesting blog called Meal By Meal. To balance out the sesame and soy, another new favorite has been meatloaf muffins, courtesy of the brilliant (if somewhat disturbing) Rachael Ray.
And finally, I have at last managed to crack open a charming gardening book Christian’s Aunt Polly gave me for Christmas in 2007. It’s called How to Have a Green Thumb without an Aching Back and is a memoir/how-to published in 1950 by an amazingly hip woman born in the 19th century. Polly is a true domestic goddess and gardener extraordinaire and says that this book set her on the path to her current state of gardening glory. I’m hoping it will help me start kicking some vegetal ass in the growing season to come—miracles do happen, right?
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