Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Baby Talk

Around the time my old friend Jess’s daughter (now a very sophisticated five and a half year old) turned four, she reportedly started rolling her eyes and otherwise sassing her mother. Jess eventually discovered that some of the infamous hormones found coursing through the veins of adolescents are also present in preschoolers. If that’s the case, we are definitely entering Thumbsucker High around here. As we approach birthday #4, all the signs are there: the attitude, the backtalking, the constant battle of wills. Hank’s also becoming highly skilled at picking up on one’s weak points (of which I have maaaany) and engaging in shameless manipulation.

This is all made up for (to some degree) by the amazing and hilarious shit that comes out of his mouth. And by the ability to have something approaching an intelligent conversation with one of the crazy aliens with whom I spend most of my waking hours. I’m often blown away by the cuteness of the imaginative play (toys having conversations with each other etc.)

It all hit home the other day when I noticed, for the first time, Hank using like as a quotative. As in: “I found some food on my pants and I’m like, ‘I’m going to eat it up.’” I was kind of stunned and a little tickled. I guess with two Gen-X parents it was only a matter of time. But still…

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