Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gut Wrenching

Waiting, waiting for the evil bug to catch up to me. I’ve determined that it’s only a matter of time. Am experiencing fever, chills, aches and bracing for the more unpleasant symptoms to manifest.

The kids are on the mend, which is a blessing and a burden at once. I’m so glad to see that glassy look has disappeared from their little eyes. But it also means that they have essentially returned to their usual energetic state, which is rough on poor old mama who would like nothing more than to spend the day curled up in bed watching bad television. Speaking of curled up in bed, Christian has definitely succumbed and has been horizontal most of the day, listening to the (soothing?) tones of right wing talk radio (and running to the bathroom every few minutes). We’ve decided that this is exactly the same virus we all (except newborn Coco) got last year around this time, which has me feeling guilty about my failure to sanitize everything in the house following that illness. It’s like it’s just been lurking around for a year, waiting until our defenses were down. I’m not really sure about the science of all that—can a virus survive on a surface for a whole year? I’d look it up, but can’t stand to look at pictures of microscopic organisms.

I can tell this post is on the verge of descending into delusional ranting so better sign off.

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