Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fevered Ego

I originally thought of calling this blog Puke, Shit and Tears until Christian convinced me to tone it down. However, the erstwhile title pretty much describes the scene around here for the past few days. Both kids have the stomach bug, with echoes of Trainspotting, as pointed out by one of my UK correspondents. Coco is on the mend, and her primary complaint now seems to be the nasty case of diarrhea-induced diaper rash which causes her to scream her head off whenever it’s time for a change. Hank is a few days behind and full on into it. Unable to keep anything down except, strangely, for fried eggs. I consider it a blessing when he’s able to make it to the bathroom/trash can before unleashing a torrent from one end or the other. The paper towel resolution, I should say, is out the window. I think I’ve already gone through my yearly target just wiping up vomit. As for me, I’ve been able to skirt the virus so far, but do have a full-blown case of cabin fever, having barely left the house in the past week. Relying on Facebook as my only means of communication with the outside world and starting to feel like I might come unhinged at any moment. Actually, that’s pretty much the normal state of things, but never mind.

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