Sunday, October 19, 2008

L’Oeuf Story

Got my butt kicked by some old ladies the other day (on the tennis court, that is). I was invited to play in a round robin by a local club at which I’d taken some lessons a year or so ago only to find that the ladies at my skill level were all in the AARP set. The fact that I’ve barely picked up a racket in the past year only goes so far as an excuse. More to blame for my decided mediocrity would be a general lack of coordination, bad eyesight and an old prescription, and a complete inability to focus. Yup, the odds are definitely stacked against me. Plus I’m a total chicken at the net. While I haven’t yet given into my inclination to cover my head and duck, I sometimes come pretty close. My only saving grace is being a tall chick, but that will only get me so far. It was fun as hell though, the ladies were gracious, and having a chance to leave the kids in the nursery for an hour and a half was worth the humiliation. You know I’ll be back out there. So look out, Grandma, this hapless housewife is back in action.

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The Sweet Journey said...
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