I’d have to say the highlights have been easing into a regular exercise routine for the first time in years and weekly happy hour playdates with a group of righteous babes. I signed up for the fitness room at the community center in a nearby town—the best deal in the area at $20 a month. They have nice equipment and reasonable, high quality childcare for the kids while I’m in there sweating. I’m still doing fine weight-wise but have been feeling pretty weak and flabby and getting worn out from everyday activities. I decided some cardio would give me more energy and make me less irritable. So far I’m not really sure it’s working, but it may be helping a little. It certainly feels good while I’m doing it though. And I’m starting to realize that I feel better when I have somewhere to go in the morning. Have also developed what I can only describe as a crush on a 70-something writer who occasionally comes in to work out (in linen trousers!).
My friend Carla (who moved from Philly to a charming historic village a few miles from the funny farm) and I got the happy hour thing going in the spring as an attempt to recapture some of the fabulousness of our former urban lives. One afternoon it occurred to us that there was absolutely no reason we shouldn’t have a glass of wine while our kids were playing. So we did. Then we invited another friend and neighbor to join us, and it’s taken off from there. The kids hang out while we drink (in moderation of course cuz we’re conscientious like that) and attempt to discuss stuff beyond the usual mind numbing mommy prattle. It’s turning into quite the phenomenon with an expanding group of Gen X mamas. (Yes, the cool chicks are finally starting to come out of the exurban woodwork).
In other news, Hank just wrapped up two weeks of 8 am swim class (thank God!), and we’ve seen some aquatic breakthroughs for both kids. Coco’s involve jumping off the side of the pool to me and putting her head under the water. For Hank, it’s jumping off the diving board and dog paddling the length of the pool. He achieved another milestone earlier this month with his first summer camp romance. I had signed him up for a half-day nature camp at a local park (which unfortunately took place almost entirely inside because of the insane code orange heat wave that hit the mid Atlantic at the beginning of July and which we are still trying to shake). Now Hank has up to now been a boy’s boy: in preschool he was always the kid who made a beeline for the trucks and hung out with likeminded males. But in this case, (according to the counselors) he immediately clicked with a tall, freckle-faced cutie named Claire. They were reportedly inseparable for the entire week and enjoyed sharing snacks and picking up stuff up off the ground together…Fortunately, the mom is cool so we may be able to organize a rendez-vous when they get back from vacay in August.
We haven’t been traveling much, which I don’t mind so much since we all know that a vacation with young kids does not really qualify as a vacation. We did make it down to Virginia’s Eastern Shore for a week. (Only to discover later the swimming in the Chesapeake Bay is just about the same as diving into a dirty toilet bowl. Sigh.)
The nice place we stayed in last year wasn’t available, and we wound up in a smelly, decrepit rental house.

Actually, it was kind of like vacationing in my own house, with holes in the ceiling and everything…

The ever lovin’ was working hard at home so we shared the Amityville horror with my mother and stepfather. Let me just say that after a couple days of sharing a kitchen with them, I was starting to lose it. Meanwhile, down the street (in their own fully renovated, nicely furnished rental) were my perfectionist, earth sign sister, her tightly-wound husband and their impeccably dressed daughters. I’m not sure I could have taken much more of them either. The kids had fun with their cousins though.
I did get to relax a bit and get into my post -Tolstoy estrogen fest. Finished Eat, Pray Love (just in time for the movie…) and a Marian Keyes chick lit book somebody lent me. Also caught a couple episodes of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Whoa. I really have a hard time believing those are real human beings. And yet, I couldn’t tear myself away. I’m always ready to sign up for satellite whenever I go away and discover what I’m missing on Bravo, but a local friend has promised to Tivo the DC Housewives so I can come over and watch it. Oh and let me share a lesson learned the hard way: don’t take library materials on vacation with little kids. I think I’m gonna wind up spending $50 to replace lost videos and a cd from the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory audio book I left in the rental car.
Of course, when we got home, the house was an absolute catastrophe. Christian had decided to clean out the kitchen cabinets, but only got as far as taking everything out of them and leaving it on every conceivable surface. He made up for this by going out the next day and getting a Vitamix.

We had been talking about this for a while, and I had some qualms about spending $400 on a blender. But we’re using the hell out of it. Lots of cucumber smoothies going on as that’s the only produce left in the garden (except for habanero peppers…).

Anyway (as usual) we wrapped up July with a birthday party for my little Leo. Hank was totally satisfied, but I have to say that birthday parties are almost always an unbelievable source of stress for me. Honestly, I don’t know why I put myself through it. The shopping and planning drive me crazy, and I get all offended and pissed off when people don’t bother to RSVP or (even worse) RSVP and don’t show up. Plus it was like 110 degrees that day. Fortunately our friends are tough… Next year, I’m determined that the four of us are going on vacation (without any members of my immediate family) on dates coinciding with the boy’s birthday lending itself to a quiet celebration. 2011: Summer of Peace?
1 comment:
Just found your bog. Entertaining for sure. I like your style. Looking forward to more.
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