So I was driving around the other day, heard Nina Simone’s version of Here Comes the Sun on the radio and almost started crying…PMS may have had something to do with it, but I really think it was mostly just a huge sense of relief that spring has finally arrived. (Have I mentioned that it was a looong winter?) There are leaves on the willow tree, and our tiny arugula leaves are looking pretty perky. Redbud and dogwood are in bloom and we’ll be heading into DC tomorrow to spend some quality time with the cherry blossoms. Coco is way into daffodils this year. She points them out while we’re driving and likes to stop and smell them. (I’ve never thought of daffodils as a particularly fragrant flower… According to her, they smell like Play Doh.) The garden (hallelujah!) is moving forward.
And our migratory birds are back from points south. Our Blue Heron (code name Ron) has made an appearance, and our pair of Canada Geese is settling in. They’re like our very own Mr. and Mrs. Mallard-- only not as nice. This will be their third spring nesting on the little island in the middle of our pond. In the past, we’d tiptoe around the pond for weeks to avoid disturbing them, only to have them head for the hills as soon as the goslings hatched. I can’t help feeling kinda used…In two years, we’ve had one measly gosling sighting, and the kids weren’t even awake for it. I know they’re just trying to do what’s right for their little fam, but come on guys, couldn’t you hang around and let us ogle your babes for a few days. What do you say?
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