The good news is we’re officially dug out (thanks to our awesome neighbor Steve and his bobcat). The bad news is they’re now calling for another foot of snow tomorrow night. Good lord…this really is unbelievable. I mean we are below the Mason Dixon line…
So, I’m coming to terms with the prospect of no school for the rest of the week and more family togetherness than I can handle. Christian has gone out to help a friend get his plow going and to get me some more provisions. We’ve been doing surprisingly well, all things considered. During the last big snow (right before Christmas) the old man and I were at each other’s throats. This, I think, was mostly because of my stress at not being prepared for the holidays and Christian’s relaxed attitude about household chores. The Ever Lovin’, I should say, is totally in his element in situations like this. He’d be perfectly happy playing guitar and surfing the net all day. I, on the other hand, start going crazy after a day or so. Had to go out yesterday and dig a path to nowhere, just to get some fresh air and exercise…
Anyway, things are definitely going a little more smoothly this time. C has been helping out: making breakfast, changing diapers, building some cool model race cars with Hank and taking him out for some tunnel digging etc.

And I’m doing my best to keep my expectations on the low side. We’re throwing some rules out the window (sugar, videos—bring em on).
We’ve had some good meals, made some Valentine sugar cookies and had more than a few laughs. I’ve been posting in this space, doing some yoga, facebooking, and, yes, reading War & Peace. More on that later…
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