Well, we seem to have lost our momentum in the garden. Have failed to get in some of the summer classics: corn, tomatoes, cukes, green beans. Our greens, however, are going strong. The red chard has been particularly impressive and is keeping us going (as long as we don’t OD on oxalic acid). I usually just sauté it with olive oil and garlic, but the other day I made a delicious gratin. Still can’t get Coco to eat it, unfortunately. She’s a little dairy hound and usually the key to getting her to eat anything is to put cheese on it, but she seems to be a hardcore anti-chardite. Will keep at it. Recently found out she’s a tiny bit anemic so must get those leafy greens into the diet. Hank, on the other hand, is a champion greens eater. Mama’s so proud. But to a child of the 70s, it seems so odd to have a 4 year old arugula aficionado. When did I learn about arugula? In New York? No more than 10 years ago I’m fairly sure…
Someone else apparently digs our arugula: the insidious flea beetle. He pretty much ignores all the other delicacies in our mesclun and goes straight for the arugula. It’s really the one thing that’s got pest appeal, and every little piece is full of tiny holes. One site recommends planting “trap” crops, other plants that the beetles might prefer to arugula. So maybe we’ll try some Chinese Southern Giant Mustard this fall…Or maybe a row cover if we decide to go high tech.

Feeling a little bit like a failure for neglecting to get the summer veggies in, but there’s always the farmers market. Now trying to look forward, namely getting in our fall plants: ready for kale, broccoli, spinach, more salad greens and, most important of all, brussels sprouts. Love those things. The key is to roast them and not overcook them. My very own petits choux growing outside my door—almost too heavenly to imagine.
Our summer discovery: grilled brussels sprouts (seasoned olive oil and sea salt). Divine.
Your lettuce was delicious with only the simplest dressing. Thank you for it!
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