I am, generally speaking, the kind of parent who swears by brisk walks and plenty of fresh air. But as we ride out the GI bug from hell, we’ve been spending a maddening amount of time inside.
This had led us to bust out some of the fabulous educational toys Hank managed to accumulate at Christmas: Magna-Tiles, Tinker Toys and his first set of big-kid Legos. All of them, of course, have enough tiny pieces to give a heart attack to the mother of a one year old whose favorite pastime is eating debris off the floor. But the Legos are by far the worst, which leads me to this pressing question: have Legos gotten smaller or is it just that I’ve gotten bigger? They seem so unbelievably tiny. I have to say that manipulating minuscule pieces of plastic is not in any way my cup of tea, what with my spatial-relations handicap and all. But I bit the bullet and jumped in there for the sake of my firstborn.
Anyway, above is the result of my first foray into Legomania. Must disclose that this does not in any way reflect the slightest indication of creativity on my part. The set came with detailed instructions on how to build the pirate ship, treasure chest and amazingly realistic shark.
Super cool. I don't have the patience for instructions so very impressive. Hope you are all feeling better soon.
Any time Hank wants to have the ultimate Lego experience send him over here to play with Curtis. Just be prepared, they hurt like hell when stepped on with bare feet. I found that out pretty soon after Curtis got the "Lego fever:"
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