Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mixed Marriage Update

Christian: devastated that his love Jennifer Garner has come out hard for Obama. Convinced that Ben has brainwashed her. I can tell you, if we hear anything from Nicole, there just might be some tears shed. Sorry my love, the fact is, there just aren’t any hot Republican chicks out there, and please don’t even think of mentioning Ann Coulter.

Bracing for stormy seas here at the funny farm as the campaign kicks into high gear. Fall of 2004 was rough. We were still getting used to living together and the nastiness of the campaign seemed to overflow into our living room. Must admit, I was hard pressed to come up with much in defense of John Kerry. This time, I’m gung ho, although have much less time to follow the ins and outs of it all. Christian’s idea of pillow talk these days is to fill me in on Obama’s latest gaffes while I’m half asleep. Something about people not inflating their tires properly…. Anyway, hoping things will remain more civil this go-round for the sake of the children.

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