Monday, January 11, 2010

Rohmer RIP

Was just talking about Eric Rohmer (my very favorite cinéaste) in my last post, and now he’s gone and died. Nor necessarily surprising since he was 89 but a great loss nonetheless. I’ve been a fan since I saw Le Rayon Vert somewhere in the early 90s. Got to see a zillion of his movies in 2000 or so when Film Forum had a retrospective. I’d hit the theater after work every night (with or without friends) and stay for a double feature. I swear it was one of the best weeks of my life.

His movies aren’t for everyone (including, it would seem, my husband). They’re heavy on dialogue and light on plot and are, in my humble opinion, utterly brilliant. This is clearly a guy who loves women, and his heroines are always fascinating. I must say I’ve always thought I’d make a great Rohmer heroine…I have a couple of his better known works (Ma Nuit Chez Maude and Claire’s Knee) in my collection. But Le Rayon Vert has always been my fave. Also really loved the ones in the Four Seasons series…. Haven’t seen his last movie which came out in 2007 but it’s on request at the library. We’ll have to watch that one with a bottle of champagne…

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