Saturday, November 15, 2008

In Case You Were Wondering...

I’m delighted to report that the local library can take me off the delinquent list: my very kind NYC friend Jake had Amazon send me a copy of Ballistics. Astoundingly thoughtful, and in the midst of a pre-wedding maelstrom no less. My old roommate Eileen said that she was on the verge of doing the same thing, all of which I find very touching (not to mention encouraging since it means that a few people other than my husband are reading this blog). This, by the way, was not at all what I was going for with that post. However, in case any of the rest of you are feeling generous, I could really use a VitaMix blender and a Volvo station wagon. Have been dividing my arts and leisure time (such as it is) among Billy Collins, Julia Glass’s new novel I See You Everywhere (a library book I am enjoying but do not in the least feel the need to own), the latest VF and the final episodes (thank God) of the original Star Trek series. Billy, by the way, apparently does not have a facebook fan page. Either that or he has taken up the bass and changed his name to Bootsy.

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